FIFA World Cup Logo

Are You On the World Cup Bandwagon?

In case you haven’t heard, an international sporting event is currently taking place in Brazil. But of course, you already know this because the FIFA World Cup is inescapable on the Internet. Even the normally soccer-apathetic United States can’t get enough of it!

Trending Worldwide 

As of this writing, 5 of the top 10 trending topics are related to the World Cup. Apart from the standard #WorldCup and #WorldCup2014 options, every single game has its own hashtag (currently #COLvsCIV is the fourth highest topic in honor of the game between Colombia and Ivory Coast). Being on top of these trends gives you an entry into the global conversation. Twitter even has a special page dedicated to following the games, with a scoreboard and a constantly updating feed of all related tweets.

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Twitter’s World Cup Page

Engaging with the Phenomenon

So how do you keep up with the event? How can you use all the World Cup buzz to your advantage? Paying attention to the dedicated Twitter page and the Facebook counterpart are the first two easy steps. From there, get involved! Post a status supporting the underdog or live-tweet the next USA game. You’ll be surprised how many fans are out there just waiting to be engaged. Sporting events encourage camaraderie and are a great way to connect to a larger audience.

Being Unique and Relevant

Try to make sure your involvement is still relevant to your brand. Showcase what makes your feed, and business, special during the World Cup. If you’re hosting viewing parties, try live-tweeting a couple of games a week or post videos of attendees’ reactions to a spectacular goal.


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Portland Meadows found a way to add to the World Cup experience 

Be Careful and Check Every Post

As always, double check every post before you hit “send.” You want to be a positive part of the conversation. Everything on the Internet is forever so even if you delete a mistake, there is a good chance someone already noticed. Delta Airlines received a lot of bad publicity after the USA vs Ghana game when they compared the United States’ Statue of Liberty to Ghana’s giraffes (there aren’t any giraffes in Ghana). They deleted the post quickly and apologized but not before screenshots were made and articles were written.

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A great example of what not to do

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This tweet, on the other hand, is supportive and a fun use of brand image.

As an added bonus, the final game of the World Cup isn’t until July 13th. This gives you a chance to really get involved!


So are you ready to score (bad pun intended) with some soccer focused posting this month?