favorite marketing tips and hacks

Friday Faves: Start Achieving Your Goals

We’re constantly making goals, big or small, throughout the day. Achieving your goals usually takes more than just checking an item off a to-do list. You use different apps, software or advice to accomplish everything. Here are the different tools and inspirations we use to get things done:

Devon’s Favorite App

I’m on a constant quest for Inbox Zero. It’s even become a mild obsession lately. The rush of excitement I get when I see a completely empty inbox is unlike any other (it’s sad but true – trust me).

Getting to Inbox Zero, though, is not an easy feat, especially if you’re starting with over a thousand unread emails. Yes, you read that right, I had over a thousand unread emails in my personal inbox. It got to the point where I was only responding to work emails because I didn’t want to wade through, or be reminded of, the waiting Gmail chaos.

So, what helped reach my personal holy grail of Inbox Zero? I signed up for Unroll.Me. It’s a free app (on my computer and my iPhone) that has kept me sane. First, it let me easily unsubscribe to all the lists I didn’t remember signing up for.

For the emails I wanted to keep getting, the app lets me “roll them up.” That simply means I only get one email a day with the three or four newsletters, deals and whatnot I actually want. My inbox is suddenly more manageable and I can find the emails I need to respond to!

inbox zero
Looks nice, doesn’t it?

Audrey’s Favorite Website

basecamp project managementIf you’re anything like me, then you may find it easier to accomplish things when you feel life you’re not alone. I’m a relational person and I always feel more equipped to tackle a project after I’ve discussed it with someone else. By sharing my plan and goals with another person, I’m creating a sort of accountability buddy. Whether they are helping with the project or not, they know what I need to achieve and can check in on my progress from time to time. Just knowing that at some point I’ll need to prove my progress is enough to keep me moving forward, even if nobody ever checks in.

Other than just verbally applying this strategy with my co-workers, we love to use Basecamp to keep each other in the loop with our projects. It’s an awesome website that allows you to set up different projects and create tasks that you can check off when completed. It’s a wonderful platform for having discussions and sharing files too! We use it with all of our clients as well as internal projects that we’re working on. I love the accountability it provides, not to mention the increased communication among everyone involved. Since we’ve been utilizing the features that Basecamp has to offer, we’ve been reaching our goals sooner and more effectively!

Carrie’s Favorite Instagram

@homsweethom is the definition of Instagram goals

Everybody has morning rituals, like reading the newspaper or something else with coffee. Nowadays, I suspect the first thing many of us do after rising is to hop on Instagram.

I admit I scroll through my Instagram feed first thing each day. Not only does doing so help me to wake up with eye-catching photos and funny captions, but I learn a lot too. From hard news to pop culture, there is a ton of great content on Instagram. Because I work in graphic design and social media. I love to see what other brands are posting to inspire my work.

One account I especially look forward to seeing in the morning is Lauren Hom (@homsweethom). She is a traveling illustrator who is very talented and quite funny. She specializes in lettering and doesn’t stick to one medium. From watercolor to chalk, and even snow, she does all her work by hand and it’s all perfectly aligned and symmetrical. Also, the messages she creates are witty and resonate with you.

Lauren Hom reminds me to keep improving my illustration skills, but for the right reasons. I think she illustrates because doing so brings her joy and she wants to share that joy with others. It’s also clear she uses work to travel the world and connect with amazing people. Since one of my goals is to work and travel simultaneously, Lauren’s Instagram posts inspire me to work harder to reach it.

If you’d like to learn more about Instagram and how to connect with inspiring people like Lauren Hom, read this past Friday Fave!

Chase’s Favorite Video

If you need the motivation to complete your goals, look no further than Shia LaBeouf.

I know, I know, I know, this video is almost a year old and has faded into internet obscurity now, but the message of the video is still true. Even though the delivery is a little comical, Shia actually has some good things to say:

“Don’t let your dreams be dreams.”
“Some people dream of success, while you’re going to wake up and work hard at it”
“If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.”

These are things I tell myself when I have goals that I want to accomplish, so having someone yell them at me is even better. If I want to, I can even have Shia motivate me alongside Batman, the Avengers, or even in Star Wars.

What tool, software or viral video do you use to help accomplish your goals? Give us your recommendations on Facebook!