Perfect Facebook Post

The Anatomy of a Perfect Facebook Post

Let’s face it, Facebook is everywhere and it’s not going away anytime soon. You already know how important it is to have a business page for your company and that Facebook can lead to converting casual followers in customers. But why do some posts get more engagement than others? How do you ensure every update will grab your followers attention? We’ve put together the best tips for a perfect Facebook post with a handy infographic!

suite 4 perfect anatomy of a facebook post

  •  Images
    • Rich media, like videos and pictures, will naturally get more attention than standard text updates. People just scrolling through their newsfeed notice and are intrigued by anything that breaks up the monotony of their feed.
  • Keep it short and sweet
    • When possible, keep any text on your post between 100-250 characters. It’s not Twitter, so you do have some leeway, just don’t get carried away. Big blocks of text aren’t visually appealing and followers tend to lose interest, especially if they are on their phones.
    • Of course, don’t sacrifice content for your character count. If you go over 250 characters, don’t sweat it. It’s a gentle suggestion, not a steadfast rule. Just remember to provide the best information concisely.
  • Link it up
    • Reason #1 why links are so great: they drive traffic to your site.
    • Reason #2: they supply additional information and details to the specific post.
    • Reason #3: they give followers, and potential customers, an opportunity to learn even more about your business, products and services.
  • Be Positive!
    • Positivity is infectious and leads to natural engagement. Followers, fans and customers are more likely to share something that makes them feel good. It also helps you put your best face forward, encouraging postivie reactions.

Facebook is a simple, yet crucial, part of any marketing plan. Following these tips will help towards a more engaging and loyal audience.

Here is another article on how to use Facebook to your advantage:
3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Facebook Likes for Free